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Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (formerly NITHE) The Academy is the Premium National Training Institute for sharing of knowledge and pooling of experience on the entire range of subjects dealing with the construction and maintenance of roads; bridges; tunnels and road transportation including technology, equipment, research, planning, finance, taxation, organization and all connected policy issues. In more specific terms, the objectives of the Academy are:

To impart training to professionals of Highway Sector at entry level and during service at different levels of Central & State Govts., Public and Private sectors.

To help highway sector engineers build up character and develop an all-round personality as a part of Human Resource Development.

To assist various organizations in developing their training institutes and training of their faculty.

To promote co-operation and foster exchange of knowledge, ideas and experience in all the sphere of highway engineering among engineers in India and Abroad.

Imparts training to Highway Professionals from various Afro-Asian countries, Countries under SAARC, Technical Cooperation Scheme (TCS) Colombo Plan, India Africa Forum Summit (IAFS), India Technical & Economic Cooperation (ITEC), ASEAN-India Fund (AIF).


Training Calendar 2020-2021

Request for Nomination November 2020 to March 2021 at IAHE, Noida

Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) for Supply of one Network Survey Vehicle (NSV)
       at IAHE

Engagement of Retired Government Officials at the level of Under Secretary as Consultant
       on contract basis.

Indian Academy of Highway Engineers (IAHE),
will not be responsible for any loss to any person caused by inaccuracy in the information available on this Website.
may be consulted for clarifications if any.(website is under updation..)
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